Friday, May 24, 2013

Who Started The Negative Gearing Debate?

Ahh election years…... There seems to be a lot of talk about tax at the moment and everyone has ideas on how to fix Mr Swan’s "Revenue Write Down”.

Treasurer Wayne Swan has ruled out supporting changes to the existing negative gearing arrangements.Someone with a big voice has got it in for negative gearing. Stories have popped up everywhere this week and both major political parties have made comments.

What affect would it have on rental affordability? With a tight rental market and investors looking to minimise their losses surely it would drive up rental costs. There is no doubt there is a supply shortage in our local area, tenants would have little choice but to accept considerable rental increases to remain in the inner city particularly.

What does everyone think? I would love to hear some comments, you can head over to our facebook page to comment.

Some of the stories from this week:

Hockey pledges total tax review
No plans for Labor or Coalition governments to abolish negative gearing
Negative gearing losses a key drain on revenues
Negative Gearing Report Wrong: Hawke