Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can't Find The Right Home? Build It!

With our auction at 32 Dutton Street, Dutton Park coming up in a few weeks it has reminded me just how much interest there is in building in the inner city. The scarcity of land makes it difficult and you are often restricted by small lots (i.e. 400m2 or less!)

If you want to build a more substantial home the small lots can make it difficult. That is what makes 32 Dutton Street even more appealing. A fully 24 perches and wide 15.1 metre frontage opens up all sorts of design possibilities. And of course it allows for yard space and a pool.

I am under strict instructions to get this block of land sold so if you have any interest make sure you talk to me before 11 June or it will be too late.

If you want to get started you need to talk to a builder. DJ Builders are specialists in inner city homes and can help you design . Give them a call on 3801 2866 or visit (P.S They know all about the 32 Dutton Street site too!)